Brian's Circles 56 circles

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Recruiting, onboarding and retaining your top talent
This is a circle for entrepreneurs looking for support with recruiting the best people for their teams, onboarding them to ensure they stay and retaining them for the long term. Ask me a question on the link and I'll be happy to help
CLA - No course content in this circle - Please join GEM circle!
The world is going through an acceleration. The Entrepreneur Movement and Education Revolution has fast forwarded 10 years. Now is our time.
Entrepreneur Dynamics
Entrepreneur Dynamics begins with understanding where you at today by completing a series of short assessments. Each assessment provides you with a valuable insight on yourself, your team, your cash flow and your impact. Together they provide a unique blueprint and pathway...
GeniusU Citizens
Citizens are changing the world by being the top ambassadors Entrepreneur Movement, leading purpose-driven entrepreneurs. As a Citizen, get your own Genius Card which includes entrepreneur-focused rewards including training program discounts, a Wealth Dynamics test token,...
Genius School Campus
Join this circle if you want to be part of the Education Movement that ignites the Genius in every child! Many willing and able adults want their child's education to transform, but don't have the tools or knowledge. We provide the tools and education for parents as well...
Genius 5.0 Affiliates Circle
In this circle, you will get connected with other affiliates, receive answers and stay up to date with latest updates on everything affiliate related.
Performance Consultant Inner Circle
The Inner Community Circle for Entrepreneurs Institute Performance Consultants
Flow Microdegree
How can you use GeniusU to design your ideal life and business? With this microdegree you will gain an overview of the tools and resources available to you.
Genius 5.0 Partnerships Group
Welcome to all partners of Roger James Hamilton's Entrepreneurs Institute. This is where we will post news and announcements; along with prizes and leaderboard results on all the promotions and competitions that we have running for you; our affiliates, resellers and...
Wealth Dynamics Masters Private Community
This private circle is for all our awesome Entrepreneurs who are attending or have attended the Wealth Dynamics Masters program.