Meeting a legend on an escalator: Guy Kawasaki worked on the first computer I owned (The Apple Macintosh), came up with the word ‘Evangelist’ and became the Chief Evangelist at Apple.

He then wrote “The Art of the Start” which outlined the 10 slide Start-up Pitch Deck which has since become standard on Silicon Valley and around the world to raise capital.

He’s since built a following of several million on social media and has a big live following on his Facebook live videos. So when I bumped into him on an escalator at SXSW I began asking about his camera equipment.

Which led to him giving me a long technical explanation I didn’t understand. Which led to me saying “Let’s take a selfie.”

Which led to him saying “Let’s take a photo of you taking a selfie.”

Which led to this photo of me taking a selfie of him taking a photo of me taking a selfie.

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