Water sustains all life. Her songs begin in the tiniest of raindrops, transform to flowing rivers, travel to majestic oceans and thundering clouds and back to earth again. When water is threatened, all living things are threatened. – Indigenous Declaration on Water

Central to Hopi belief is that water is the chief of the elements. Perhaps its time we started to think with our hearts, and return to the natural way to ensure our survival.

In this informative article the Hopi continues their work with Japanese scientist, Masaru Emoto. Emoto research with water implied that water is conscious and receptive to human energy/intention, that it has intelligence and wisdom. Since we humans are made primarily of water, our relationship with it is central to our relationship with our own selves. The Hopi believe that being in harmony with nature is vital to life itself and this is reflected by the symbols used in their dances, rituals, art and jewellry. Water may be symbolized as turtles, frogs, clouds, lightning, rain and waves.

The Hopi have begun an annual sacred water run from Arizona to Mexico city to attend the World Water Forum, unfortunately their were seen as activists and turned away.

Something unexpected happened though upon their arrival in Mexico City… Indigenous chiefs from across Mexico had assembled in full regalia to welcome them! Unbeknownst to the Hopi, all of the local tribes had kept stories and prophecies for generations that these runners with a message of water were fulfilling..

Join me in living our respect, honour and gratitude for our abundance of water, both the water within and the water flowing through the veins of Mother Earth.
We give thanks and ask for with clean, flowing, and alive water across all of the globe accessible by all humans, animals and plant life.

Namaste, Susie Read full article..

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