I am so excited for a fresh new year. Its full of hope, intentions, goals and positivity. 

If you are anything like me you've been through your  "planning" exercise and set some clear intentions for yourself, both personally and professionally. 

Now, I'm not going to lie to you - last year was tough. Real tough. It was full of loss, grief and sadness. I experienced levels of "change" in my world - work and personal - that has been unprecedented for me. At times I coped, others, well, lets just say I had my moments.

I'm not naive enough to believe that a new year washes all that away, but what it does do is provide us with the space to reflect, contemplate, dream, plan and prepare to implement.  

For me, I am committed to building my resilience, and moving forward the only way I know how - by focussing on my purpose, values & beliefs,  my WHY,  and being of service.

This year I intend to do that with even greater clarity resulting from my experiences of 2017. This means I will be moving towards my goal with these three actions front of mind:

  • Asking for help
  • Setting and sticking to clear Boundaries
  • Taking notice of the unorchestrated opportunities 

What are your New Year intentions and goals? And how do you intend to approach them?

Before I leave you, I wanted to give you this : "A Guide to Conducting a Year in Review". 

This guide is designed with the busy Social Entrepreneur and NFP leader in mind. A user friendly process to set your team up for success in 2018. Guiding you and your team through a productive year in review process and to get set for the year ahead.  

If you are a solo Social Entrepreneur, then this process still easily applies.

I have put this guide together for you. Its the process I use with my dynamic team to close off a year and begin the new year high vibe and ready to make a difference.

To access the PDF please click on the image:


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