Your Weekly Business focus:
5th - 11th February 2018
This is my birthday week !
Yes, an Aquarian Star commited to bringing in some new thinking for all of us through the cards.
So let us consider a business question around contribution and being a Gift.
“How can I/we be a positive contribution toward my/our business success this week?”
Shed excess baggage and lighten up.
Re-evaluate limits and unload baggage while you can.
Holding on.
Keeping the things that are hindering progress.
An overloaded boat capsizes under its weight and sinks.
This is the tipping point.
As the entrepreneur who stands independent and fierce, perhaps with fear but not afraid, we are in the position to renounce the world you knew - lean into embarking on a great endeavour.
We have a choice to step on to the path of transformation but with this path the instruction is clear, Shed excess baggage and lighten up for our journey ahead.
Clear the way.
Contribute to your business this week by subtraction, what can you take away.
By contributing this quality to your business this week you are supported to cross the mighty stream and allow for the turning point in your business.
Through this quality we will gain a second wind - for victory.
Have a prosperous week.
Let me know if this is insightful in the comments below.
Would you like to ask a question for the cards?
email: support@wealthvectordynamics.com
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