The deepest desire of your heart might be to serve the human kind and all of creation on the path to a more harmonious life on Earth. Or at least create a more harmonious and fulfilling life for yourself and your loved ones.
But you might be struggling with overwhelming emotions, mental illness and/or addiction. And you might have tried many modalities only to discover that nothing gives you a genuine and lasting feeling of clarity, empowerment, and fulfillment.
You, most probably, are in the process of awakening to your true nature, power, and mission.
And you can stop struggling and start thriving as the miraculous being you truly are.
To receive proper guidance and support in the process join us in the FREE weekly online gatherings of the Awakening Light Circle every Friday, at 6 pm UTC, 7 pm LST, 8 pm CEST, 2 pm EDT, 11 am PDT, 6 am NZT, 4 am AEST.

Don't worry if you can't make it to a particular call. There is an option to access the recordings.
The calls are happening on Zoom. Details will be revealed closer to the date. Click on Interested or Going not to miss them. And share it with friends who might be interested as well.


Any questions? Please, feel free to post them as comments here, in the FB event, or contact us directly

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