It's been on my to-do list to update an e-book I wrote in 2016 called The Easy-Going Entrepreneur: Using the Law of Attraction as your marketing strategy.  It seems appropriate now as we struggle to find a new balance mid-pandemic. This is Chapter 1. Let me know what you think!


Where do I begin?

Despite being an entrepreneur for most of my life, all my hard work was yielding less and less rewards at greater costs to me and to my family with constant stress and pressure of not knowing enough, having enough, or doing enough.

Whether you’ve just started out or whether you’ve been in business for a while, there’s no doubt you’ll face your fair share of challenges. Especially now! Millions of entrepreneurs across the globe are trying to survive the 2020 plague (otherwise known as COVID-19). 

Depending on where you are, these challenges can seem huge, but I’ve learnt that the problems we face as entrepreneurs come down to only three variables: time, money, and knowledge. 

On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you find yourself in terms of availability of time and money? Take a look at Figure 1. Depending on your answers, you'll find yourself in one of 8 triangles.

Figure 1 - The 8 Triangles of Lack



Triangles A, B, C, and D deals with lack of knowledge and:

  1. A, sufficient money to invest in your business but limited time.
  2. B, sufficient time and sufficient money to invest in your business.
  3. C, sufficient time and limited money and to invest in your business.
  4. D, limited time and limited money to invest.

Triangles E, F, G, and H deals with sufficient knowledge and:

  1. E, sufficient money to invest in your business but limited time.
  2. F, sufficient time and sufficient money to invest in your business.
  3. G, sufficient time and limited money and to invest in your business.
  4. H, limited time and limited money to invest.


Entrepreneurship is a constant juggle between all triangles!

Are you currently in the first section and you’re struggling with a lack of knowledge as well as lacking time or money? Or are in section two when you know what you need to know, but you don’t have the money or time to do it?

Irrespective of which triangle you find yourself in, entrepreneurship is an on-going search for knowledge and personal growth and herein lies the challenge: What determines how you progress from where you are to where you want to be depends on how you handle any lack of knowledge. It becomes a balancing act of knowing how to maximise your own inherent strengths, learning what you need to learn, and realising when to hand over the rest to the right people with the right skills.

Sadly, the life of the entrepreneur becomes an endless loop of trial and error with the end result often being an overwhelming feeling of failure as we try to figure this out. We get bogged down by our mistakes of the past and begin to act from a place of desperation, not inspiration. And when we’re running a business rooted in desperation and lack, we lose our ability to dream. We completely forget why we started our business in the first place. 

Sound familiar? The great news is that you can change your life simply by changing the way you think!


Consider some of my favourite quotes from my favourite people.

  1. "Life is really very simple. What we give out we get back. Every thought we think is creating our future." Louise Hay
  2.  "What the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Napoleon Hill
  3.  "You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David that you are sculpting is you. And you do it with your thoughts." Joe Vitale 
  4. "Happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have. It solely relies on what you think." Buddha


What they’re referring to is the Law of Attraction: What we think determines how we feel. How we feel determines our level of vibration. Our level of vibration determines the people and situations we attract. 

It’s a law and it works for everyone whether we believe in it or not; whether we like it or not. Your circumstances as they are today, like them or not, are all your own doing. Tough to accept, isn’t it? It isn’t the lack of money, or lack of time, or lack of knowledge. While those issues may very well be present, they’re not the reasons why your business isn’t flourishing.

A common way to demonstrate the Law of Attraction is through the example of the tuning fork first used by Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of the New York Times best-seller, The Hidden Messages of Water. Emoto works with three tuning forks. Forks 1 and 2 are designed to vibrate 440 times per second, while Fork 3 vibrates 442 times per second. When he hits Fork 1 with a rubber hammer, Fork 2 immediately vibrates and gives off a sound because it resonates with Fork.

However, Fork 3 remains silent. This shows that energies vibrating at the same frequencies somehow find each other.

Now this is where you decide whether or not the contents of this book are for you. Are you willing to entertain the idea that, when creating a thriving business, managing your vibration from one moment to the next is as important as managing your time, money, and knowledge?

If you’re still not convinced, it’s time to bring in the science.

According to quantum physics, everything is energy and it vibrates at its own frequency, even emotions. 

When we linger too long in the shame, guilt, apathy, and fear of having too little time, money, or knowledge, we attract people, situations, and things that perpetuate our suffering and the feeling of just getting by. When we let go of the fear and start seeing everything from a perspective of unconditional love, we begin to build a business led by spirit energy as we tap into unlimited consciousness and its universal wisdom.

You could either discard this as “airy-fairy” and impractical and continue doing what you’ve been doing...with the likelihood of achieving the same results. Or you could suspend all judgement and entertain the idea that the first step to building a successful business starts with fine-tuning your vibration. 

When you put in the time and effort to work on your vibration, you’re able to automatically and effortlessly attract the life of your dreams no matter what challenges you face. Time, money, and knowledge will flow to you in abundance as you need it, when you need it. Because, believe in it or not, the Law of Attraction never fails.

When you introduce the Law of Attraction into the equation, building a successful business even looks like more fun! So are you willing to change your old thinking patterns and embrace the principles of the Law of Attraction? The following chapters describe the steps I used to implement the Law of Attraction into my life and transform my thinking and, in so doing, my business. 

My wish is that it will do the same for you.

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