Sometimes we lose our ability to dream.

Time and time again, our efforts to make more money, improve our health, or build better relationships end in failure. It eventually becomes difficult to believe it’s even possible! Here’s where the Law of Attraction steps in to change the direction of your life. According to the Law of Attraction, it’s not what you DO that matters, it’s how you THINK. Because how you think that determines how your FEEL.

So welcome to the 21-Day Abundance Challenge where we tip the Law of Attraction odds in our favour. For 21 days, we’ll be working together to fine-tune your thoughts and manifest anything you want using 3 simple steps.

Step 1: Decide on a goal

You can try this 3-step process to manifest anything.

Since you’re interested in the 21-Day Client Attraction Experiment, I’m assuming your goal is to have more of your ideal clients in your life.. It could also be an abundance of health, relationships, happiness… you decide.

But for this example, let’s say the goal is to manifest more money by attracting better clients.

Often, our efforts to “make” more money fail and it eventually becomes difficult to believe it’s even possible! This is what I love most about the Law of Attraction: it’s not about MAKING money. Instead, it’s about ATTRACTING money.


I know! It’s difficult to feel good when you’re broke and worrying about paying your bills. In Step 2, I’ll show you how to use this negativity to your advantage. Ready?

Step 2: Acknowledge the negatives

Having a positive mindset doesn’t mean ignoring the negatives. On the contrary.

Honouring your feelings, whether good or bad, is an important part of the whole process of cultivating a positive mindset. It’s HOW you handle the negatives that make the difference.

When you use negative emotions as an indicator to pause and reflect, it becomes a building block instead of a roadblock. Here’s a quick way to benefit from the negativity of the lack of money. Remember, I’ve been using it to turn some amazing thoughts into amazing things, so why not a whole lot of money?

Make a list of the ways in which you’re limited by having either no clients or the wrong clients. What about it makes you feel bad? Here are some examples that I experience first-hand during my client struggles.

  1. I can never plan my workflow because they're always sending me information at the last minute.
  2. Because they're disorganised, I'm disorganised.
  3. Vital information gets lost in translation because there isn't a clear communication strategy.
  4. Things come to a halt because processes haven't been thought through at the start of the project.
  5. Their budget isn't big enough to cover everything that needs to be done.
  6. My cash flow is severely affected because I have to constantly juggle changing deadlines.

Step 3: Turn the negatives into a positive story

Do you agree that the opposite of a negative is a positive? Start step 3 by turning your list of negatives into opposite, positive desires. Mine would look something like this:

  1. I plan my workflow perfectly because they're always sending me information way in advance.
  2. Because they're organised, I'm organised.
  3. Vital information gets communicated clearly and accurately.
  4. Things run smoothly because processes have been thought through at the start of the project.
  5. Their budget is big enough to cover everything that needs to be done.
  6. My cash flow is flowing abundantly because everything falls into place exactly as it should without any effort from me.

Next, using the amended list, create a new story of abundance as if it’s already happened. Include everything you love about financial abundance and how it’s made your life so much easier, richer, or happier. Use positive affirmations such as “love” and “appreciate”. Be as descriptive as possible using words that inspire you.

The new story of my fabulously abundant life would go like this:

 I love that I can plan my workflow perfectly because my clients are always sending me information way in advance. I love how I can be organised because they're organised. I am so grateful that vital information gets communicated to everyone clearly and accurately. It's amazing how things run smoothly because processes have been thought through at the start of the project. I am incredibly grateful that their budget is big enough to cover everything that needs to be done. I am in awe at how my cash flow is flowing abundantly because everything falls into place exactly as it should without any effort from me. ”

When you’re writing your new story, imagine what it feels like to live it! Most importantly, be appreciative of your current situation for creating in you a desire for this new, positive goal.

For example, I truly am grateful for the wisdom that having challenging clients has given me, and I appreciate the empathy I have for those less fortunate than myself. I appreciate that, through lack, I understand and appreciate abundance.

According to the LOA, all negative stories have a purpose and that purpose is to help us formulate a positive new story. Now that you have your new story, let the old one go. You have further use for it. Ever!

Finally, condense your new story into 255 characters that embrace the emotion of the new, abundant you. This becomes your daily affirmation for the next 7 days so make sure you feel good about it! Here’s mine:

“I love that I can plan my workflow perfectly because my client is organised.  I am incredibly grateful that their budget is big enough to cover everything that needs to be done. I love that my cash flow is flowing abundantly without any effort from me.”

What's your client-attraction story for the next 21 days? Write it down and keep it somewhere close! We'll be repeating your new story every day for the next 3 weeks until you've rewired your mind into believing that it's already true. The Law of Attraction then has no choice but to respond!

Please feel free to share your reflections in the 21-Client Attraction Experiment circle on GeniusU.

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