We hear a lot about the importance of visibility online, of our personal brand, our values, beliefs, passion & purpose and I’m sure we are all in agreement that they are important but when was the last time you took a step back and considered what this really means for you and your business?

What is at the heart of the business when you strip everything away, what do you really stand for, what is the essence of your business?

If you check out the dictionary definition of Essence  it is defined as-


"the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something which determines its character."

Some may feel this just a nice to have, something that belongs in a marketing textbook but has no bearing on our daily activities and if it’s something that is just done as a paper exercise and never embedded into your business then I would agree. 

However, your brand essence forms the foundation of your business, it's what underpins and directs all your activities

·        Your branding

·        The messages you communicate through social media

·        All your interactions with clients, employees, suppliers…..

·        Your sense of satisfaction, business and personal success

Peeling back the layers and getting clarity on your brand essence allows this to flows through every aspect of your business

If things aren’t flowing as smoothly as you would like, then maybe it’s a good time to step back and review the foundations.

Want to know more? let me know in the comments below or DM and let’s chat.


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