Society 5.0 is what we become when we gain the ‘superpowers’ of having a digital layer over everything we think, see and touch. It’s what happens when we combine our own thinking with AI, real-time data and the power of the crowd. It’s the end result of the technological revolution, which leads to a social revolution.

Japan showcased Society 5.0 at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, to show that this society will lead to a global revolution. Little did they know what was about to happen at the beginning of 2020 which created an even bigger requirement to uplevel quickly to being Entrepreneur 5.0.

Entrepreneur 4.0 was the age of the online entrepreneur, leading to the virtual businesses that now dominate the internet. Entrepreneur 5.0 is the age of the superhuman entrepreneur, with the power to make an even bigger impact with real-world businesses.

If you'd like to learn more about becoming an entrepreneur 5.0 and what steps to be taking in the Digital Decade, do sign up for the Entrepreneur Spectrum 2 hour Masterclass led by Roger Hamilton.

Genius Group was recently listed on the New York Stock Exchange at a time where many companies were not listing and investors were not willing to invest and yet our EdTech company has listed and is growing by 50% year on year during a very turbulent time in the markets.

Roger will be sharing how to market, sell, create products, attract partners, ensure a continuous flow of customers and expand and grow your teams to move through this exciting new decade.  From his experience, he will be able to guide you around the right solutions for today, making sure your business is future proofed.

If you are ready to think differently, create a different future for yourself, your community, your family and your business, come and join us for the next event in our series of events.

Entrepreneur 5.0

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