The "Trader" Profile - like Belinda Gates, helps the team profit with their great sense of timing. And they are great negotiators and best in the lead in a crisis - yet need big-picture direction to get the best results.
The strengths of the "Trader" are that they are Balanced, observant, grounded and always clear in what is fair. Takes time with people, gets to the point, and often sees things that others miss.
They are most successful when
- in the thick of the action
- hands-on and actively engaged
- in charge of making moment-by-moment decisions
Now we are getting to the grounded energy! Ears to the ground, tempos are all about timing and analytical execution.
First up is Paulina Roach who shares how her life changed after finding out she was a Trader, and how she built her team (and even her own empire) in order to succeed as an entrepreneur!
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