🙌 Here’s the Success Story of one of our valuable members, Emma Ponsonby from London.

“I did my Wealth Dynamics test in 2009, at the recommendation of a friend as I was trying to work out what to do with my life. I am one of those people that can pretty much do anything, but I found myself always doing everything.

Once I understood my profile as a Mechanic, I started to read up on other successful people with my profile and understood the benefits of having an uber-powerful team of people around me. I went on to set up my first business, myshoppingsecrets.com which markets international luxury fashion brands to the UAE, US, Asia and New Zealand where I’m from.

Because I understood my Wealth Dynamics profile, I’ve been learning and experimenting with my natural skills, I’ve now been involved in over 9 startup companies in the last 3 years and have never thought this is something I would ever do, and all before I turned 30.

I always recommend anyone I work with and all the businesses I am involved with to take the Wealth Dynamics test to help them understand their own pathway I’ve watched it help entrepreneurs make some really important decisions about their future and I know it’s certainly helped me!”

Take the Wealth Dynamics Test and discover your natural path to success.

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