Genius News

Message from Roger

We are super excited to announce this week the launch of the California Business School, within our University of Antelope Valley, and its flagship MBA Program.  

Students in this MBA program will have special access to a Global Entrepreneur Program, featuring New York Times Bestselling Authors in leadership, marketing, technology and entrepreneurship, including Peter Diamandis, Salim Ismail and myself.  All three of us have global followings across multiple disciplines and we will be offering our entrepreneur coursework and content in an exclusive relationship to students and graduates of UAV’s California Business School. 

Peter Diamandis is well known for working with top leaders, entrepreneurs and changemakers through X Prize and his Abundance360 Summit, and Salim Ismail works with companies globally with his OpenExO certification and training programs. Both are pioneers in creating models for entrepreneurs, leaders and companies to scale through exponential times.

Partnering with Peter and Salim is part of our focus at bringing the very best educators and thought leaders within entrepreneurship to our students, and scaling their learning models to countries throughout our global student and partner community.

An exceptional feature of our program is the one-week Immersion Program (non-credit bearing), where students will have the exclusive opportunity to network and engage with world-renowned entrepreneurs at our Entrepreneurs Summit in Bali or our Investors Summit in South Africa.

Here are some more details:

Peter Diamandis is the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation, the Founder and Curator of Abundance360, and the executive founder of Singularity University, a graduate-level Silicon Valley institution that counsels the world's leaders on exponentially growing technologies. He has a Master's degree from MIT and medical degree from Harvard University. He is a New York Times Bestselling author of three books: “Abundance, The Future Is Better Than You Think”, “BOLD, How to go Big, Create Wealth & Impact the World” and “The Future is Faster Than You Think.”

Salim Ismail is an Indo-Canadian serial entrepreneur, angel investor, author, speaker, and technology strategist. He was the Founding Executive Director of Singularity University and lead author of international best seller Exponential Organizations. In March 2017 he was named to the board of the XPRIZE Foundation. He is a serial entrepreneur having co-founded a number of tech companies (Confabb PubSub Concepts and Ångströ, acquired by Google in 2010) and led Brickhouse, Yahoo!’s internal incubator for new products. He is the lead author of the new Exponential Organizations 2.0, and the founder of OpenExO, where he serves as Chairman.

In addition to an MBA awarded by UAV’s California Business School, students that successfully complete the Global Entrepreneur Program will also obtain an Entrepreneur Certificate awarded by Genius University.

The MBA program is designed for working professionals and entrepreneurs who are eager to progress in their careers, increase their earning potential and networking opportunities whilst reducing any opportunity loss, and maintaining personal time.

Graduate students can attend the MBA program at the UAV California School of Business on location at UAV campus in Lancaster, California, or online. The GeniusU Entrepreneur Certificate is a fully online program.

You can read more in our official press release.

Enrolments are open - to enquire or for further information see here

CEO Roundtable: Wall Street Fraud
Thursday 2nd March - 12.30pm EST

Join Roger for the CEO Roundtable LIVEstream, where they'll discuss strategies for combating naked short selling. The panelists joining Roger include: 

Dan Bates - CEO of Clean Vision ($CLNV)

Greg Siokas - CEO of Cosmos Holdings ($COSM)

John Brda - CEO of MMTLP

Wes Christian - Christian Levine Law Group

Frank Benedetto - Consultant/Shareholder Advocate

The livecast will be broadcast on YouTube here.

Community News

We recently held our bi-annual Wealth Dynamics Master program.  This global training program is attended by start-up and scale-up entrepreneurs from around the world.

We’d like to extend our congratulations to our award winners:

  • Start-up award in the APAC region: Vanessa Zamy, founder of Your Vision’s Catalyst 
  • Start-up award in the EMEA region: Kawa Onatli, GeniusU Stockholm 
  • Scale-up award in the APAC region: Violetta Terpeluk, founder of Indigai Business Advisory 
  • Scale-up award in the EMEA region: Paul O’Mahoney, founder of ReThink Academy 

Our overall winner was Paul O’Mahoney, founder of ReThink Academy which provides education, guidance, and support to online entrepreneurs. Using the key strategies learned in the Wealth Dynamics Masters, Paul is now working on upscaling Rethink Academy to maximize its revenue, profit, and cash flow.

Michelle Clarke, the lead program facilitator and CEO of Entrepreneurs Institute, said “Paul gave 100% focus and commitment to the Masters Program, honing his customer promises and showing what could be accomplished by showing up, stepping up and giving back. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the metaverse journey that he took us on as his plan, business, and vision grew.”

Investor News

Wednesday, February 22nd 
Genius Group Launches Legal Action Against Illegal Trading Activities in Company Shares

Genius Group announced the launch of legal action against illegal trading activities in our company’s shares.

We have previously disclosed that we have retained the legal teams of Christian Levine Law Group, LLC, and Warshaw Burstein, LLP, both of whom have specific expertise in stock fraud and illegal trading litigation, to investigate possible illegal market manipulation of our company’s shares.

Following analysis by the legal teams and share tracking companies ShareIntel and BuyIns.Net, our Illegal Trading Task Force has instructed Christian and Warshaw to commence legal actions where appropriate against various parties and to seek to recover liquidated damages for the cost incurred on the company.

Roger Hamilton, CEO of Genius Group, said “The company is currently pursuing a combination of negotiations, legal action and shareholder actions with an aim to minimize and recover the costs that illegal market manipulation has had on our share price. These activities are ongoing. At the same time, Genius Group, its staff, faculty and partners remain focused at the long term success and growth of the company. We are committed to take all necessary measures to protect ourselves and our shareholders from bad actors and will not stop until we have achieved our objectives. We thank our shareholders for their ongoing support.”


The Lifelong Learning Summit is a virtual course running from Thursday 2nd March to Friday 3rd March

Join us for the world’s leading Lifelong Learning Summit and see how your training, education, coaching or speaking business can benefit from the tremendous growth of the Edtech industry in 2023.

Set up your business for at least a 10X growth using the world’s best strategies and techniques learning from some of the best educators and entrepreneurs in their field today.

The speakers joining Roger include:

We are entering a new world in this next decade and the best trainers, coaches and educators are learning how to adapt to it through education, community, and flexibility. During the Lifelong Learning Summit, you will connect with 1000’s of entrepreneurs, discover partnership opportunities, and learn how to future-proof and recession-proof your business for the upcoming times ahead.

To book your tickets click here.


5 Day Property Magic Challenge
Monday 6th March - Friday 10th March

Ever thought about investing in property but don't know where to start?  Or maybe you are already investing in property but not getting the results you want or deserve? 

Join Simon Zutshi for a 5-day intensive workshop to aggressively build out your property portfolio over the next 12 months. For more information and to register click here.


You can find many more upcoming events listed here



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