Ari Seth Cohen is a successful blogger, author, and photographer who has inspired countless people with his dedication to celebrating ageing and style. At the age of 60, Cohen founded Advanced Style, a fashion blog that focuses on showcasing the fashion and beauty of older adults.

Cohen started his career in fashion and design, but it wasn't until he reached his 50s that he found his true passion for photographing and documenting the style of older individuals. After discovering the vibrant and unique fashion sense of older adults in New York City, Cohen decided to start a blog to showcase their style and beauty.

Despite initial skepticism and resistance from the fashion industry, Cohen persisted in his mission to highlight the beauty of ageing and diversity in fashion. His blog, Advanced Style, quickly gained a large following and became a cultural phenomenon, leading to the publication of two books and a documentary film.

Today, Cohen is a respected figure in the fashion world and continues to inspire people of all ages to embrace their personal style and celebrate the beauty of ageing. His work has sparked a much-needed conversation about the importance of inclusivity and representation in fashion, and his message has resonated with people around the world.

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