With technology advancing in most sectors at an exponential pace, lifelong learning is now more vital than ever. Everyone from entrepreneurs to CEOs and to employed professionals will see technology touch their job roles and will need to learn new skills to stay ahead. From marketing to sales, customer service, decision-making, and investments there are constantly new updates, ideas, and strategies to learn.

Gone are the days when job roles were linear, and you could train for one profession and do that role for your working life. Most people will now touch many different areas in their working lives and upskilling and reskilling are at the heart of this.

But not only does lifelong learning need to be done to keep pace with changing tech, but it is also vital for personal development, employee retention, and helping to create a team that can face any challenge.

Our Lifelong Learning Summit covered all of this and more with an array of expert speakers. 


On Day 1, we covered a wide range of topics including:

  • The Education revolution as the next $10 trillion market for disruption.
  • AI as the most powerful tool of all time.
  • The vision for education and schools.
  • How technology will impact this vision and how it will play a vital role moving forward.
  • Skillsets needed for the future and how new age educators can bridge the gap.
  • Workplace 5.0 and how it impacts teams and culture.

You can watch the recording of Day 1 here and view the slides here

On Day 2, we had another insightful day where we covered:

  • How to navigate the current wave in Edtech - which is making education personalised with AI and technology.
  • How universities can prepare adults for the future of work.
  • The future of higher education and the evolving role of educators, technology and learners.
  • How to drive value by building vs buying.

You can watch the recording of Day 2 here and view the slides here

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