Genius News

Message from Roger

On Tuesday 21st March, we held our online Partner ConferenceOur key outcomes were to share:

- A 3 step Masterplan for becoming an AI powered Educator

- How AI can transform your Education or Community Business.

Roger joined the conference live from Los Angeles where he was attending Abundance 360 with Peter Diamandis.  

For the past 10 years they have been predicting this day would come with regards to Artificial Intelligence.  In January we were all raving about ChatGPT-3 and now just 2 months later in March ChatGPT-4 has been launched.  The exponential growth requires careful consideration and a change in mindset to ensure you make the most of it.  The exponential growth of AI computing power (doubling every 3.4 months!) now exceeds that of Moore’s Law (doubling every 2 years).  Now is the time to be thinking about the tech tools you have at your disposal for your business.  Moreover, it’s time to take in and grasp what is possible with the future of AI and the future of your business.

GPT-2 came out in 2019 with 1.5 billion parameters.  GPT-3 came out in 2022 with 175 billion parameters, over 116 times bigger than its predecessor!  And just look at GPT-4…

The applications with what you can do with it is growing significantly too.

Both Google and Microsoft have come out with a whole suite of AI layered products - Microsoft 365 Copilot and Google Workspace.  Being limited by resource is no longer an excuse with these incredible tools. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Roger is constantly meeting with the top tech minds at Abundance 360 and is happy to share what he's learning with Genius Partners. 

When Roger came up with the idea to have the GeniusU Genie, it was meant to be an AI assistant assisting us but actually just like Chat GPT-4, Microsoft 365 Copilot and Google Workspace, it is us (humans) who should be assisting the AI. That’s why it needs a change of mindset.

There are so many AI tools already available - just take a look at or both directories of AI tools in over 50 categories.

But the tools are only as good as the prompts you provide them with. So you need to be smart with the questions you’re asking and what you’re asking them to do.  We need educating on how to use and leverage the tools to best effect.  That’s where comes in as there are a number of different prompt tools available

There’s which features the best new prompts.  It's a community for anyone to share and discover the best prompts to unleash the boundless possibilities of Artificial Intelligence.  Also to find top prompts for AI models like DALL·E, Midjourney & GPT and even sell your own! You don’t need to know how to code anymore, you just need to know how to prompt and direct the AI in the right direction.

Some more tools you can use to support your business growth: - AI assisted video creation - create and edit 10x faster. - where thousands collaborate to create new worlds, fantastic characters, and unique imagery from short text descriptions. - an AI-powered paraphrasing tool that enhances your writing. - Personalize.AI helps you leverage data from loyalty rewards programs, customer interactions and campaigns to better understand which customer experiences, content, products and offers to recommend. - Make allows you to visually create, build and automate workflows that are limited only by your imagination.  You can connect all your apps fast and easy without needing experience of coding. - Royalty-free music, AI generated for you. - helps you to create videos in 120 languages which is great for training and you can then use - to create and interact your own talking avatars at the touch of a button.

Roger also shared that, the creator/artist/musician was at Abundance 360 as a guest speaker the day before as he’s got a number of tech companies himself.  He said that "in this age of AI humans need to learn to be more human"

Some people are in dead end jobs with repetitive tasks and AI is likely to take those over.  But it is exciting news for the super creators out there in the world like and Roger as they are now going to be unleashed, because they're going to have AI which never sleeps, never gets exhausted, and never asks for a pay raise (at least not yet!).  Maybe you can identify with that?

We’re at the very forefront of what's currently happening within AI. So before you do your next task, think about whether there’s an AI tool that can do it for you - and can you assist it in getting it done.  Ask around our community who is using which AI tools and share which ones you’re enjoying using.  How can you exponentially grow your output in the same way that you’ve been exponentially growing your input of information? 

Roger also shared that is a big advocate of education and “forever learning”. He firmly believes that AI is the best guidance for forever learning and said that “we use GPS to help us get to our destination, but we don't use GPS to get to our destiny”

That’s exactly what we are going to be doing with GeniusU, using AI to ignite every genius. If we start thinking in this way, then every one of us has an opportunity to do just that, together. We can start now, we don’t need to wait another 10 years. 

Finally, another future vision that has come true… flying cars are here!!!  Roger has just purchased a Jetson - it looks like a drone, but it's actually designed for humans to fly in.  They’re made in exactly the same place as Lamborghini and Ferrari in Italy. 

In summary, we have got all the tools we need to unleash our creativity to make the difference in the world that we actually know we can all make.  No excuses.  So come and join us as one of our Partners - either as a community partner or a faculty partner - and become part of the Education Revolution. Moreover, you’ll have a front seat to the future which is flying towards us fast. 

To watch the replay of the Partner Conference, click here


Investor Campus

We are holding our very first Investor Retreat at the amazing Tau Game Lodge in South Africa in December 2023. 

This event will be an extraordinary gathering of 40 incredible investors, visionaries and entrepreneurs in the Madikwe Game reserve in South Africa.

Roger James Hamilton and a stellar lineup of experienced investors and leading investment educators will be sharing their best proven practices for personal and professional growth.

You’ll have the opportunity to connect with some of the most driven and inspirational people.  Besides the learning, you’ll also have two days of incredible and exhilarating game drives in the breathtaking Madikwe Game reserve.

The investor retreat is an exclusive event for investors, to spend 2 days and 3 nights in the luxury surroundings of our game lodge in South Africa, whilst working on your 10 year investment plan.

This unique retreat will leave you feeling rested, rejuvenated and re-inspired for your investing plan over the next 10 years!

For more details and to sign up click here.


Investor News

Wednesday, March 15th 
Genius Group Announces Strategic Partnership with Swiss School of Business and Management to launch International DBA

Genius Group and GeniusU announced the launch of its International Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program in strategic partnership with Swiss School of Business and Management (SSBM).

SSBM is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), and through this partnership, Genius Group will now be offering what it believes to be one of the highest postgraduate degrees in academic management education, with a focus on entrepreneurship. This association is aligned with Genius Group’s lifelong learning vision on empowering professional and personal success for all students seeking to build their entrepreneurial careers.

The program has specialization in over 12 domains including Data Science, Machine Learning and Business Analytics as well as adoption of Artificial Intelligence and exponential growth strategies. It is targeted at senior working professionals who want to fast track to the C-Suite with entrepreneurial skills. The DBA program has a blend of online learning combined with thesis support from dedicated thesis supervisors from SSBM, Geneva. The faculty comprises industry experts and academic centres such as the University of Rome, University of Florence, University of St. Gallen and Penn State.

This ACBSP accredited, 24 months International DBA program will feature global thought leaders and New York Times bestselling authors in entrepreneurship, leadership and technology including Peter Diamandis, Salim Ismail and Roger Hamilton. The launch of this program and partnership follows on from Genius Group’s previously announced strategic partnerships on February 27, 2023 in relation to the launch of the Genius University Global Entrepreneur Program, including an MBA from the California Business School, awarded by UAV, and an Entrepreneur Certificate awarded by Genius University.

Roger Hamilton, CEO of Genius Group said, “We are excited to partner with Swiss School of Business and Management Geneva to bring this International DBA program to our learners and expand our network of top universities. The business landscape is evolving rapidly, and we have seen a big demand for a new generation of entrepreneurial leadership that is more in tune with the rapid advances in technology we are experiencing. With SSBM’s innovative and unique curriculum, we are excited to offer this program for the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders.”

Ivana Silic, CEO of SSBM Geneva said: “We are thrilled to expand our educational programs with Genius Group to offer educational excellence and our expertise in business education through our innovative cutting-edge technology and our high-quality learning experience."


Genius Educator Metaversity

Engagement marketing versus content marketing to gain customer attraction - bite sizes are more effective. 
Join Roger and special guests for this live event. Sign up here.


Mar 29 at 20:00 PM - Mar 29 at 22:00 PM (BST)

The Best Property Strategy In 2023

Join this free workshop to learn how high quality HMOs offer the fastest way to profit in 2023. Hosted by Stuart Scott, Co-Living Spaces, The Co-Living Revolution and Property Investors Network.  Register your place here.


You can find many more upcoming events listed here


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