Dear all,

Welcome to our community circle!  We are excited to have you join us and contribute to the conversations and learning opportunities that this group offers.

We understand that not everyone wishes to be an entrepreneur, and that many of you are pursuing careers at companies that can help you reach your full potential.  This community is designed to support and empower those who have made this choice.

It is important to note that the principles and models discussed on GeniusU are relevant to all individuals, regardless of their career path.  Roger Hamilton's Wealth Spectrum is not meant to imply that everyone must strive to become a Legend, but rather to provide guidance on how to reach the next level of personal and professional growth, should you choose to do so.

Our focus on entrepreneurs does not detract from the value and importance of those who work in other roles.  In fact, we believe that the principles of the Wealth Spectrum can help you achieve success and happiness in your chosen career.

While each of the four geniuses brings a unique perspective to this community circle, we believe that all members can benefit from engaging with and supporting one another.  Whether you are a Dynamo, Blaze, Tempo, or Steel genius, we welcome you to contribute your thoughts and ideas to our discussions.

For those Steel geniuses who are curious about the ratio of entrepreneurs to employees, we are happy to confirm that there are roughly a hundred employees for every one entrepreneur in the world.  We hope that this community will provide a supportive and informative space for you to learn and grow in your career.

Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to learning and growing with you in this community circle.

Best regards,

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