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Turning Adversity into Inspiration: The Journey of Amy Pu...

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Amy Purdy is an American actress, model, motivational speaker, and Paralympic snowboarder. She was born on November 7, 1979, in Las Vegas, Nevada. At the age of 19, Purdy contracted Neisseria meningitis, a type of bacterial meningitis which led...

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The Success Story of the Winklevoss Twins: From Olympic R...

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Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, also known as the Winklevoss twins, have come a long way from their days as Olympic rowers. These Harvard-educated brothers made headlines when they sued Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, alleging that he stole...

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The Billionaire Boom: What the Wealth Gap Tells Us About ...

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In recent years, the world has witnessed a significant increase in the number of billionaires. While some celebrate this rise as a symbol of economic growth and opportunity, others see it as a worrisome indication of wealth concentration and...

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Genius Group Launches DBA and MBA programs with Swiss Sch...

Alison shadrack headshot Alison Shadrack

Genius Group Launches DBA and MBA programs with Swiss School of Business and Management
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Unleash Your Creative Potential: How “Everything Everywhe...

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“Everything Everywhere All at Once” swept the 2023 Academy Awards, leaving audiences stunned after winning 7 awards, including the Best Picture award. The movie tells the story of a retired woman, played by Michelle Yeoh, who suddenly discovers...

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Here's what one of our valued community members, Maria E. Hill said about Talent Dynamics

“Creative ideas! This is a fascinating and different look at how companies grow and what they need to succeed at each...

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The Elon Musk Effect: Analyzing the Impact of His Tweets ...

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Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, is known for his controversial and often provocative tweets that grab headlines and create buzz on social media. But what impact do these tweets have on the stock market?

The answer is a lot....

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Dealing with Failure: How to Learn from Mistakes and Boun...

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Failure is a natural part of life, especially in the world of business and entrepreneurship. However, it's not the failure that defines us, but how we respond to it. In fact, some of the most successful people in the world have experienced...

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Genius News

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Genius News Entrepreneur Campus

Genius Metaversity SHINE Awards - March 2023

The SHINE Awards are specifically designed to nominate our partners, community and customers within the Genius Education...

How Tama scaled his business to be buying one property ev...

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Tama has been able to take his property flipping business from nothing to flipping 43 properties in 24 months.

In this interview Tama shares his story and strategy as to how he built his business and then leveraged his Insta profile...