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Simple Vector Card Process

A Simple Spread with your Vector Cards for
* yourself
* with your team
* with your partner
Or * with your older children

What if the Vectors have some insight to contribute to you and your...

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Eating For The Seasons - Health Dynamics 360

13653174 10154265436825270 5266301741751399495 o Jo Formosa

Every wondered why summertime is all about salad, watermelon, ice teas and fresh seafood on the barbeque? Come winter nothing is as attractive as curling up by the fire with a warm, nourishing soup or stew? While we naturally think of the seasons...
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Permaculture magazine

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Mycore mediation - using fungi to clean pollutants - is being used to clean waterways, soil and in some areas, even radioactive waste. Here a US project is using locally grown mushrooms and coffee grounds to clean their local waterways.
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What Do Killer Whales Do at Night? | Hakai Magazine

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

An ongoing tracking study seeks to understand what killer whales do under the cover of darkness.
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Fifth Our Ocean Conference Generates US$10.7 Billion in P...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Tracking the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda
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How technology is going to disrupt the $217 trillion real...

Picture?height=120&width=120 Scott Picken

Hey GeniusU Members. Anyone who likes Property, Real Estate and Technology should not miss this webinar with

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What I Learned from Playing LEGO with my Boy

Daniel jordi head 2 Daniel Jordi

So my boy is now 1.5 years old and we play with LEGOs regularly. He loves playing with them as much as I do.

Now, I have played with LEGOs so many times in my life that I understand that in order to stack one piece onto...

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Scientists discover plastic in faeces of every person who...

2976c881 3fa6 4bdf 9e20 0ef81a37a61d Alec C Moir

Up to nine different types of microplastic found in samples from each participant
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Refillable Containers Cut Plastic Waste, So Why Don't Peo...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Kao has helped its customers in Japan kick the disposable plastic bottle habit for consumer and household products, now it's ready to take on the
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Dame Ellen MacArthur awarded prestigious Albert I Great M...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Dame Ellen MacArthur was recently awarded the Albert I Great Medal for her commitment and work towards keeping plastics out