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Are the 'sluggish' more likely to survive?

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

New research asks which species are more likely to be able to survive environmental changes. Data on mollusks suggest that metabolic rates may be a factor.
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Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen


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- to our new member here on...

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Google, Apple and 13 other companies that no longer requi...

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

These top employers are looking beyond an applicant's education. 
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SDG #5 Gender Equality

Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen

Gender Equality kan be achieved on many fronts - which one will YOU work on ?

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5 reasons to be optimistic about the state of the world |...

Picture?height=170&width=170&access token=200028500157213|71a3b3f8c0965ac64ef772b5f9d0c02f Sofie Marin

Did you know that over the last decade more than 2 MILLION organizations have launched dedicated to environmental and social change. 

This video was put together by

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Help a student from Mathews Secondary School in Supingsta...

Speaking tau Robin Greatbatch

This is a student who recently graduated from the Mathews Secondary School in Supingstad (Madikwe) close to Tau. During our iLAB we visited the school and met the students. This student wants to study nature conservancy but doesn’t the...

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3 Reasons to Never Retire

2018.11 headshot square Maren Oslac

In the Japanese language, there is no word for retirement. People in Okinawa have "a reason to wake up in the morning" ( #ikigai ) and live out their purpose until the...

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Hot Mess • PBS

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

We don’t hear much about the hole in the ozone layer anymore. That’s because we’ve all but fixed it, thanks to consumer choices and a massive international agreement called the Montreal Protocol. Can...
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Why the Baltic Sea diet could be the most sensible one yet

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

It includes a wide range of foods and restricts processed food.
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Searching for contacts to grow your business

Gk2013profile copy Glenn Kenworthy

This is a website that recruiters use for building lists of contacts from Linkedin, google plus, github etc. When you prefer not to pay for the premium Linkedin service this can help, so you don't get locked out.

Boolean searches improve...