Learn From The GeniusU Community

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Regional street artists lead the way in gender equality

Img 4206 edited 2280x2074 Melissa Bordogna

A regional street art festival's progressive attitude to gender equality is something other industries can learn from, say artists in Toowoomba.
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Awakening To A New Way Of Doing Business

Nicola Nicola Grace

Let’s face it – If we were to implement everything all the business gurus tell us, we’d need to :
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Guidelines for Underwater Photographers: Do No Harm

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Very few underwater photographers will deliberately set out to hurt or damage the marine environment and the creatures that live within it.
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Solar panels at sea - unlimited energy without using land...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

#SolarSea is the world’s first #solar system that can float in the ocean. It enables massive power production without taking up precious land. Oceans cover 7...
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Organising my activity by energy type...

Adrian Adrian Woodcraft

Gosh!  I wonder what THIS form will do to my white space?

Well, here goes...

I'm working on organising my time into separate days for each of the five energies.  i have allocated specific time each week to each...

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Are Essential Oils the Missing Link To Cancer Prevention?

Elize Du Plessis

According to research at the University of Oklahoma... Various species of frankincense (Boswellia) essential oil is unparalleled as a Cancer Solution!
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Lost sunken cities of the ancient world—evidence of catac...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

To date, we have only have explored around 5% of the ocean (source). But despite this fact, all around the planet, we have found evidence of lost-sunken-ancient cities, some of them dating back to around the last ice age when ocean levels...
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Leeds Entrepreneur Social Launch

Julia 116 linkedin copy Julia Felton

We are so excited to announce the launch of Leeds Entrepreneur Social.

Join us on June 1st at 6:30pm at Horizon Leeds so you can connect with other purpose driven entrepreneurs who want to make a real difference in the...

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A Teenager Just Built The World's Lightest Satellite - An...

Cp profile pic headshot with colour background Chandresh Chandresh

An Indian teenager has won an international competition to build a functioning satellite, and not only has he produced what is reportedly the world's lightest satellite device - NASA has also agreed to launch it next month.
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Dahr Jamail | Coral Reefs Could All Die Off by 2050

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

The era of never-ending coral bleaching may have already arrived, many decades earlier than predicted just last year.