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11 Tips to Know Before You Travel to Indonesia

Picture?height=120&width=120 jinesh chheda

Are you looking to travel to Indonesia!? It is an amazing country that has to offer and here are some things to know before traveling to Indonesia.
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Reaching zero hunger in fragile states

Picture?height=120&width=120 jinesh chheda

How can we achieve the goal of zero hunger in the world's most fragile states? Connell Foley (Concern Worldwide) on strategies and challenges.
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Becoming the Zero Hunger generation: Achieving food secur...

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As we approach the UN Sustainable Development Summit, when world leaders will come together to adopt a new global development agenda, it is critically important that we keep what is at stake firmly in sight. A central issue like hunger, which is a...
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Water and Sanitation - United Nations Sustainable Develop...

Picture?height=120&width=120 jinesh chheda

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Time for Global Action for People and Planet
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How our cities’ sanitation problem is damaging health

Picture?height=120&width=120 jinesh chheda

The piece highlights how having a sound fecal sludge management system is of utmost importance in densely populated areas, where most residents are often not connected to conventional sewer networks. Madhu says, “based on the data culled by the...
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Challenge: Ensuring Effective Health Supply Chains

Picture?height=120&width=120 jinesh chheda

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) are issuing a joint call for innovative and transformative solutions to build more effective supply chains in low- and middle-income countries around...
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7 actions to fight extreme poverty by improving education...

Picture?height=120&width=120 jinesh chheda

How diverse interventions in education can help tackle extreme poverty in developing countries
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To improve quality in education, reconsider true definiti...

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Rethinking what we consider to be effective teaching—and how we facilitate it—is an integral part of ensuring students receive a quality education
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Education builds peace | Global Partnership for Education

Picture?height=120&width=120 jinesh chheda

UNICEF’s Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy initiative - Learning for Peace asks how can we use education and social services to contribute to peacebuilding, social cohesion and resilience?
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Child too sick for school long-term? Send one of these ro...

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For children who can't attend school because of illness or disability, the AV1 robot can go in their place.