Learn From The GeniusU Community

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How to Be a Good Traveler in 10 Easy Steps

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Those who leave their homes for temporary jaunts to other places can be sorted into three basic categories: Tourists, travelers, and good travelers. (Notice that last one wasn’t capitalized &…
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Importance of Good Nutrition

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Your food choices each day affect your health — how you feel today, tomorrow, and in the future. Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintain a...
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The Importance of Environment in Education

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The teachers who will most impact the lives of students are the one who realize the importance of creating an enriching environment for learning.
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Spreading Affordable Renewable Energy for the Benefit of ...

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In mature economies such as the United States, “going solar” can enable individuals and even neighborhoods to lessen dependence on the grid. The motive may be independence, energy reliability, renewable integration, environmental concerns, relief...
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5 facts related to affordable and clean energy

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If you are reading this article on a computer or your phone, you are benefiting from having access to energy, which is required to power your device. If you are living in the United States, you also most likely have access to an affordable and...
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Fortune 500 Companies Unite in Support of Renewable Energy

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Q: What do Google, 223 other businesses, 14 attorneys general, 11 U.S. senators, and more than 25 environmental, public health and clean energy organizations all have in common? A: They all told the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that...
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10 barriers to education around the world

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10 major barriers to education and how the Global Partnership for Education is overcoming them.
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Seven celebrities who really care about education

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More celebrities are taking time to get involved in humanitarian projects - and many of them are focusing on the importance of education at home and abroad.
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Why The UN's Global Goal On Gender Equality Matters In Th...

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You will quite possibly never have heard of Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG5). Recently I gave evidence to a
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Some Amazing Facts About Ayurveda - MISTERMIND

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Ayurveda is a form of medicinal practice that has originated in India and it is considered to be the oldest healing branch of science which internally purifies and restores balance though changes in your diet, herbs and meditation. If someone is...