
Open uri20210409 13 1g04sif?1617928246
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Honest Cities
Southampton, UK
Company Type: Renewables & Environment
Honest Cities will deliver wise sustainable cities and villages to the world by 2030

By connecting and collaborating with sustainable learning leaders throughout the world, Honest Cities delivers wise, sustainable cities and villages to the planet

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By 2030 it fulfils global sustainability that incorporates the 17 UNSDGs, through delivering new cities and retrofitting existing conurbations. The greatest impact of this is to empower women and girls.

Traditional cities absorb only 20-30% rainwater. Most is wasted via drains and sewers. Concurrently to access purified water for cleaning, cooking and drinking, cities pay huge fees. Wouldn’t it be better for conurbations to mimic nature’s water cycle? In the process, when excess rain ensues, death, disaster and infrastructure loss would be eliminated. That’s exactly what Honest Cities does!

Permeable pavements and roads, together with biophilic/retrofitted buildings with green walls and roofs, as well as energy-generating/insulating features, passively absorb, clean and re-use rainwater preventing both drought and floods, re-developing native ecosystems within a short 1-2 years. Air becomes ’miraculously’ fresh, massively reducing healthcare costs related to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, as pollutants clear.

This collaborative, multi-disciplinary, cyclable Honest Cities project saves resources, creates income and generates employment enabling cities to become energy, water and vertical farm, food sources cf consumers. Transport turns to income generation.

As ecosystems return, cities become parks where birdsong enjoyed during coronavirus is an ongoing feature. People relax in gardens atop offices that remain. Who would not wish to live in a city like this?

Wise cities and villages transform social care so everyone, including the elderly and disabled if they wish, continue to live in their own homes, with a real place in society giving to others in dignified ways that honour them. Everyone enjoys plentiful resources, pursuing their dreams!

Early adopters join with us to participate. Collaborate in whatever way is best for you. Connect here

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