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Female Leaders Academy
London, UK
Company Type: Education
A new style of agile leadership for women to meet the challenges of our post pandemic digital age
Top Purpose: 13 Gender Equality

Dedicated to growing the agile, courageous and competent female leaders so needed to meet the challenges of our post-pandemic digital age. We encourage our clients to recognize and release the unconscious biases that hold them back, so that they can get ahead in their chosen careers. By drawing on powerful female archetypes, they quickly transform their leadership style, bringing more authenticity and ease to their working relationships. Women who have come through our programs have dramatically transformed their personal and professional lives, easily progessing to the next levels in their careers. Importantly, they've done so with ease, joy and the fulfilment in making -- and being recognized for -- the contribution only they can make.

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  • 1

    Female Leaders Academy


  • Almira Ross

    Almira Ross

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