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Entrepreneur Summer School Agile Leadership with Terri Vincent
Welcome to the Agile Leadership Module for the Entrepreneur Summer School! If Terri Vincent is your facilitator for this module, then please join this circle. On here you will find all the information you need.
Awakened Enterprise
About Awakened Enterprise   Our mission is to educate, entrain and inspire Awakened Entrepreneurs to co-create a new way of doing business that combines traditional core competencies with the emerging spirit of new consciousness.    We work with Entrepreneurs who...
Microschool Design and Build DIWY & BOOSTER Program Participants
This is the support circle is for those enrolled in Microschool Design and Build DIWY and the BOOSTER package.
The Property Management Programme
Dedicated to sharing news, information and guidance to all those involved or interested in the UK's private residential property market. Focusing on property management responsibilities specifically, my mission is to help fellow property investors gain the knowledge and...
The French-Speaking Village @ GeniusU
Are you a French speaker (native or adopted) who enjoys connecting with other French speaking peers on their entrepreneurial journey ? You might also be located or conducting business in French speaking areas of the planet ? This is The place to be if you care to learn,...
Golden Key Partnership
We have been helping businesses solve complex business problems for close to 10 years by correctly diagnosing what is prohibiting growth, producing bottlenecks, and creating inefficiencies. Once we have the clarity necessary from the diagnosis, we strategically prioritize and...
The peace project
I help successful, spiritually open entrepreneurs and business owners to find and integrate that missing piece they are searching for to feel true inner peace and happiness. Using RTT Hypnotherapy, EFT and Empowerment Coaching tools, I help them identify and uproot the events...
Impact Entrepreneurs & Investors Labs
A space for Entrepreneurs and Investors looking to co-create and grow sustainable, thriving organizations and investment portfolios that support the development of ecosystems and communities generating shared economic value, wealth while serving society and stewarding its...
Entrepreneur Summer School Circle
The world is going through an acceleration. The Entrepreneur Movement and Education Revolution has fast forwarded 10 years. Now is our time. Congratulations on joining the Entrepreneur Summer School!! Here youo get to connect with the facilitators, mentors and others who...
Young Entrepreneur Microcourse
A microcourse for young entrepreneurs to help you create, develop and launch your own business. This is your time to make an impact on the world and create your future.