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Aroma Life Fermentation Food
This circle is for anyone that is interested in the fermentation food.
Aroma Life ICC Youth
This circle is for the Youths in ICC to do self-discovery as well as inspiring them to think big and ready for their life journey.
Aroma Life CCC Parents and Students
This circle is for Citipointe Christian College parents to explore the platform and may be used for their children to discover the children's life purposes and passions. The intention of this circle to help CCC parents to do self-discovery as well.
Aroma Life MCC
This circle is dedicated to the Multicultural Community Centre (MCC) network. The purpose of this circle is to help individuals to first discover their life purpose, passion, life values and wealth dynamic profile (optional, charges applied). With the focus to help...
Aroma Life YL Entrepreneurs
This Circle is dedicated to all Young Living business entrepreneurs in Aroma Life organisation.
Aroma Life Community
The Purpose of the Aroma Life Community is to help individuals to discover our own purposes and passions in life and to live a healthy and wealthy life (body, mind & spirit). So, we are not lost in our life journey and we are all able to do what our purposes and passions...
Brilliant Future
Brilliant Future is a community designed to bring together people committed to transform the way we raise our kids, and in doing so, creating a brilliant future together.  My Personal "Massively Transformation Purpose" on earth, or my calling if you will, is to ensure that...
BOT Employee™
WHAT DO SMALL FAMILY BUSINESS AND LARGE CORPORATIONS HAVE IN COMMON?a Story ...Every business has a story to be told to all its customers. All of the greatest stories have the greatest storytellers—they use expression, gestures, and passion. Did you ever listen to your...
Accountability circle 2022
Let's help each other prepare for the future. Sharing problems, solutions, (disruption) ideas and tools
Brain Body Business Bali Retreat
An intimate retreat 7 night Bali retreat for busy business owners to rewire their brain, recharge their body and reboot or launch their business. WHEN: Aug 2 - Aug 9, 2019 WHERE: Komune Resort, Bali Over 7 days and 7 nights serial lifestyle entrepreneur and co-founder...