Suggested circles 1268 circles

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Milwaukee City Circle
This City Circle is for Milwaukee entrepreneurs to connect, engage and collaborate with each other. All event details for Milwaukee, WI monthly Entrepreneur Socials will be posted in this circle.
This circle is about supporting current and aspiring women entrepreneurs that are also connected with Her.Network
Performance Consultant Inner Circle
The Inner Community Circle for Entrepreneurs Institute Performance Consultants
Mindful Awareness for Entrepreneurs
Mindfulness taps into the beginners mind and brings a quality of calm presence, aliveness and total holistic engagement (body-mind-spirit) in everything we do while sitting, standing, walking and lying down. Entrepreneurs who like to tune into their natural rythym and flow,...
New Plymouth City Circle
This City Circle is for New Plymouth entrepreneurs to connect, engage and collaborate with each other. All event details for New Plymouth monthly Entrepreneur Socials will be posted in this circle.
For anyone that has a passion for design, and appreciates great design in any form (product, fashion, interiors, architecture, graphics, technology etc). A place to share images, articles, and ideas with like minded DesigNerds
Get Ready Go Global Bronze Community
If you're a leader with a message that would make a difference in the world, you see yourself emerging as, or being, a messenger on the world stage, then I would like to invite you to join our circle for collaboration, networking, support, inspiration, motivation and growth...
Washington, D.C. City Circle
This City Circle is for Washington, D.C entrepreneurs to connect, engage and collaborate with each other. All event details for Washington, D.C. monthly Entrepreneur Socials will be posted in this circle.
Marketing Mastermind
This is a private circle of Suraj Naik's Marketing Mastermind members.
Funding Magnet
Funding Magnet is a circle where attracting funding for your business, entity, project or cause are discussed and shared.