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Metaphysical Entrepreneurs
What would it take for us just to be?
The Future Of Marketing
This is a group dedicated to keeping up to speed with the rapid changes in marketing technology. As we know, technology is developing at an exponential rate and marketing technology is no different. We have Artificial Intelligent, Virtual and Augmented Reality already with us...
Sligo City Circle
Be part of an Entrepreneur Social event from your city - Join us in Sligo for inspiring Entrepreneur Speakers and Networking events!
Manchester Entrepreneur Circle
The Manchester Entrepreneur Circle is the place where entrepreneurs, small business owners and agile leaders can meet, network, learn, and support each other. The circle is hosted by Kathy Bradley & Howard Cain from Asana North West in partnership with the Entrepreneurs...
San Diego City Circle
Be part of entrepreneur social event from your city - Those who joined genius U from San Diego can be part of this circle
Ulaanbaatar City Circle
Дэлхийн №1 Энтрепренёр боловсролын флатформ болох GenuisU сайтаас Global Entrepreneur Movement хөтөлгөөнийг зохион байгуулдаг бөгөөд уг хөдөлгөөн одоогийн байдлаар дэлхий даяар 1 сая гаруй гишүүд дэмжигчидтэй болжээ. Манай "Дасгалжуулалтын Академи" нь...
Wealth Flow Seattle
Come join us for our events focused on keeping you in the Flow of your Wealth. "Wealth is not the's the Beginning." ~Roger James Hamilton
Property Wealth Dynamics
After working with SImon Zutshi and Roger Hamilton and interviewing a number of successful property entrepreneurs from his mastermind programme each with different Wealth dynamics profiles to identify key characteristics that led them into flow in property investing. We have...
This circle is for all the events organised by GeniusU Social in Eastern Europe
This Circle is to connect entrepreneurs with content and peers adding value
Sandra Morrell
Creating the space for Entrepreneurs to discover their flow and connect globally