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Accelerated Outcomes
Accelerated Outcomes offers programs that enhance your ability to work.
Teen Genius Test
As a teen, what path should you follow in life? When you follow your natural genius, life becomes a joy. Take the free Teen Genius Test and discover your genius.
Maverick Business Solutions
At Maverick Business Solutions we work with junior entrepreneurs to provide them with sound business project management and business accountability solutions that will help them to achieve their daily, weekly, quarterly and yearly objectives within their organization.
Lourdes Gant International, Business Mentoring & Vision Creation
Qualifications and Expertise I have worked, learned from and assisted many prosperous and successful business owners around the world and have the experience and qualifications to help you! My strengths are based on my professional history, where I have... Provided...
Lourdes Gant International
Qualifications and Expertise I have worked, learned from and assisted many prosperous and successful business owners around the world and have the experience and qualifications to help you! My strengths are based on my professional history, where I have... Provided...
Suresh Babu S
Businesses Coach helping Business Problems, Entrepreneurs & founders of Start Up, Enhancing Performance Multi-fold : Easily,Effortlessly and Efficiently for PROFITS! Care for Results ? Care for Profit? Ask for your profiling. Success through MBTI and Strengths from...
Petanque NXT
Knowing how to build a future proof business while running at top speed today, is what we do.  Let us show you how to plan, define, design and implement what is needed to ensure you are building your business of tomorrow, today.  We start with processes, then see how teams can...
Lenny van den Berg
The core business is providing Product Procurement and  Virtual PA Service which include:  Systems Integration, HR Services, Sales and Marketing, IT Support, Office Administration, Flow Consultancy, Financial Support for SMME’s. To achieve setting up sustainable and...
The (artist) inside
Calling all Changemakers, misfits, crazy ones, artists with wild ideas - anyone who has ever been rejected. We think different. Humanity needs us to create our Masterpiece - the greatest contribution we can make to ourselves, our family and society.   Over the last 5,000...
Retreat Leaders
This Retreat Leaders community circle is for those of you who are interested in running retreats. It is a place to share best practice, questions, and your experience of leading retreats.