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Identity Regained
During times of loss and separation we often lose our identity. We can look up one day and ask the question "Who am I?" This community helps those with identity pain into its regain using a series of tools to overcome and soar with your identity regained.
Sara 2
Book of Changes - 64 stories Method : I-Ching
This circle is about sharing information for applying I-Ching in our daily life through Wealth Dynamics system. Leader, Hide, is an ambassador of Japan Wealth dynamics and applying principles since 2007. Hide understands both Japanese and English and keep learning from a...
Team Campus
GeniusU Campus for GeniusU Team.
Raiseworth Pty Ltd
Raiseworth operates in two areas: 1) Asset Tokenisation Tokenising an asset spans multiple knowledge and operational areas. Many of these areas are in conflict with each other as these are pioneering days. Eventually, one-stop shops for tokenization will appear, but in...
Leader Campus
GeniusU Default Campus
The Freedom Accelerator
The Freedom Accelerator The third step of the Wealth Ladder focuses on Wealth Mindset and teaches entrepreneurial minded investors how to turn their investing into a lifestyle business allowing them to design their money making activities around the life they want to...
Trish Warnz Consulting
Poverty has to do with the state of mind, and not only the pocket. When a Client has contributed to the Success of your business it should be remembered and rewarded as loyalty throughout the entire purchased period. Find out what makes customers return for more, even in...
Découvre ton génie... et celui de ton enfant ✨
Le Genius Test est un quiz qui te permet d'en connaître davantage sur toi et ton enfant sous plusieurs sphères de ta vie dont celle d'apprenant. Qu'est-ce que ton résultat veut dire en ce qui concerne ta meilleure façon d'apprendre? Cette communauté est l'endroit pour...
Please add your own company here
GeniusU stab company creates for service purposes. If your Circle has been assigned to this company please update the Circle in the settings:  Open your Circle  Click on the Settings (geat icon on a Circle page) Click Edit in Other Settings section.  Find Company...