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Inside Upgrade Circle
If you are feeling that push from your soul to step up and do the bigger things you have come to do, so as to really shine in this world, but you are feeling stuck inside, desperately searching for the necessary self-confidence, this is the place for you to learn to upgrade...
MBTI Myers Briggs Type Indicator and Personality Type Testing
This circle is for all those who would like to learn more about MBTI and how it enriches your life.
Personality Type Testing and Life Enrichment, MBTI, and Coaching
Today I am going to teach you on how knowing your personality type through MBTI will help you make more money,power, success, significance and value.  You can get the money, the big house and the Merc, the BMW or the Tesla, the pool, the jacuzzi and the latest phone, the...
Full Spectra, LLC
Unpacking the College Process from Getting in, to getting thru to gtting on to that 1st career aycheck
The Full Spectra, LLC - College Consulting
At The Full Spectra Company, we provide tailored strategies to help you GET into COLLEGE, GET thru COLLEGE and GET on from COLLEGE to your 1st career paycheck. It's a "one-stop-shop" for customized college coaching. Join The Full Spectra Community from anywhere in the world...
Aunua Heroes
  We shine a light on what’s possible so youth the can liberate their inner hero as they learn to lead with love and leave a lasting legacy of a life well lived. Aunua Heores are champions of positive mental health through social and emotional development programs...
Parents supporting teenagers
Parents supporting teenagers is a circle set up to share resources and information. It supports parents with issues they are dealing with, relating to their teenage children, step-children or grandchildren. One of the guiding principles is that of 'put your own mask on...
FLO - Supporting Personalised Education
Freedom Leverage Pty Ltd is committed to the pursuit of 'Quality Education' which will be realized through the facilitation of the creation and roll-out of FILPs -- Fingerprint-Individualized, Learning Portals -- that enable any learner, anywhere and at any time, to access an...
Alphabetter Humans
This circle is a safe space for people seeking to level up their learning operating system, regardless of age or perceived ability. Do you, or does someone you care about, struggle with: -messy writing -poor spelling -inconsistent focus -slow reading or -trouble...
Expertise in Real Estate Mortgages.