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Mindset Dynamics
This work is important because EVERYTHING is predicated on Mindset. All the well-known Personal Development icons, Thought Leaders, and Spiritual Leaders have acknowledged that Everything is governed by Mindset. The Purpose of Mindset Dynamics is to do a deep dive and...
Empowered Mindset Coaching and Consulting
  This promotion is important because EVERYTHING is predicated on Mindset. All the well known Personal Development icons, Thought Leaders and Spiritual Leaders have acknowledged that Everything is governed by Mindset. The Purpose of Empowered Mindset is to do a deep dive...
abc test
Online Lead Generation Strategies
Leads are the life blood of businesses and many online companies do not have defined and executable lead generation strategies that consistently work. This group has been set up to exchange ideas and share whats working right now in the online world.
Karin Jahn
In this company we help entrepreneurs to "FIND YOUR WAY" from stress to success. The holistic view ist a special way to get informations about the outside and most important inside stress. So is every businessowner immediately able to see whre the stress is sarting and how he...
Presenting your Best Self, Digitally
In the age of Zoom, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, Facebook Live, Instagram Stories, and YouTube, presenting digitally has become the norm. Adapting presentation skills to this environment is required to thrive. Are you prepared to give engaging presentations digitally? Jennifer...
Ignite Your Leadership
Education can be so different. You know this. You’ve felt it. Maybe you’ve experienced it as a young person in school, or as a teacher, or as a parent. People all over the world are waking up to their own incredible potential – and realising that what they have been taught...
Coaches 4 coaches
Develop your RADIO as a coach: Rapport, Authenticity, Direction, Information/Inspiration & Ownership) share your best practices, questions and fun stuff!
Del Lewis - Venturepreneur
Are you interested in having your business be more impactful? Are you looking to accelerate the scale and growth of your business? Do you feel things just aren't moving fast enough? You might greatly benefit from a venturepreneurial partnership. Business is a team sport,...
Soprana Personnel International
We provide Scandinavian technical and administrative personnel recruitment services in offshore and onshore in different career fields. Our specialization - the selection of managers and specialists, fast help in finding new personnel and assurance of candidates flow for...