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Genius Solutions: Digital Marketing
Genius Solutions is the new services division launched by Genius Group, the World’s No.1 entrepreneur education group. These proven solutions enable you to hire Genius Group’s top talent to deliver digital marketing, remote sales, cash growth and agile leadership - to build...
Blu Dragonfly LLC
Our company specialises in brand design, web design and social media we love to dive into the realm of discovery. This is where we learn the guts of your business – what makes it tick. We meet your audience and explore your industry. We find the strengths and weaknesses of you...
Jan Polak Yoda Consulting
Pioneering the new business paradigm and purpose-driven enterpriseI stand for businesses and entrepreneurial environment that recognise, fully engage and develop our human wholesomeness and potential, encourage truly synergistic collaboration, structure for integrity and care...
Cashbox Global - Predictable Growth & Income Streams for Financial Freedom
Join the Cashbox Global community to learn about predictable investments called Structured Notes. These products provide growth and income returns of 10 – 15% pa on average with deep capital protection, directly from Europe’s strongest banks. We love showing our community...
Genius Solutions: Cash Growth
Genius Solution circle
GeniusU Trusted Buyers Club
How do you get your products in front of your customers in the current economic climate? The coronavirus crisis has triggered a much bigger and longer-lasting economic crisis. The 1929 stock market crash triggered a ten year Great Depression, and world leaders believe the...
Bali - Island of Gods
This circle has been created for you to share and learn about upcoming opportunities & experiences created by Vision Villa Entrepreneur Resort in Bali, Indonesia. I would like to have a space for GeniusU community that is interested in travelling to Bali for business or...
Self-Worth Safari
With the vision to create a world where thriving personal success is based on high self-worth, inner peace, humbleness and giving rather than on achievements and material wealth, Self-Worth Safari aims to start a revolution in increased Self-Worth and Mindwellness. To guide...
Winning Mindset for Success
This Circle is about helping you develop and sculpt a Winning Mindset for Success. Everything you achieve in your outer world is shaped by what is going on in your inner world. Sharing tools and techniques backed by scientific research, we help you program your subconscious...
Mindset for Success
Whether you are a successful business owner, entrepreneur, executive or simply driven to be your very best, our programs will help you get ‘unstuck,’ breakthrough your current blocks and create extraordinary results personally and professionally. Guaranteed!Our programs work...