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Book Club
Roger usually mentions a recommended book during his conversations. This is where we'll meet to read those books and discuss. We'll focus on the application of each book in broad terms, bringing in perspectives on genius profiles, Wealth Dynamics Spectrum levels and general...
Arts and Beauty
I want to end poverty by aiding emerging artists, including myself, to sell all the products we create to make the world a more beautiful place.
Body In Balance
Wonderful Warm Healthy Human Beings Are The Answer.Founded by me, Chris Pickard, in 2002, 0ur main mission is to inspire people to take ‘self-health’ seriously,  and see achieving optimal health as  part of their Social  Responsibility for a sustainable, peaceful  planet...
Gaia Thrive
Gaia Thrive is a global social enterprise community that provides holistic and regenerative forms of personal, business and leadership development. Gaia Thrive is the future of enterprise and integrates personal and professional growth in the collaborative environment of a...
HempWeb.Earth is our Worldwide Industrial & Agricultural Hemp Online Portal -The one-stop virtual location that connects all the dots of the Global Hemp Industry.Focused on planetary restoration, conscious collective action, industry transparency & sustainable...
That Sorted Life
That Sorted Life is a circle for purpose-led creative entrepreneurs, created by GeniusU mentor, Certified Flow Consultant and Founder of That Sorted Life, Inc: Ramo Phalatse. Get access to resources that complement the various microdegrees on GeniusU, interact with fellow...
Step Up To Your Highest Personal Values
Dedicated to Align Your Life with your highest personal values. We discuss and give examples of what are your personal values, how to know them, how to prioritize them and how to excel in life by linking them to your seven areas of life. Individual, Familial, Social, Mental,...
Genius Planner Products
This is an open circle for anyone who wants to be part of The Genius Planner community and have access to any Genius Planner products.
We serve women worldwide, so they can connect with their inner flow and align their lives to their best potential. Through online master clases, sessions and programs, carefully designed for them to achieve empowerment, self knowledge and self mastery in every area of their...
Aroma Life Young Living Community
This circle is dedicated to sharing essential oils and other Young Living products, for Young Living Community and anyone who is interested in using essential oils for day to day health purposes. The information will be in Chinese and/or English.