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GeniusU Citizens
Citizens are changing the world by being the top ambassadors Entrepreneur Movement, leading purpose-driven entrepreneurs. As a Citizen, get your own Genius Card which includes entrepreneur-focused rewards including training program discounts, a Wealth Dynamics test token,...
Maximizando el potencial de tu equipo
Los equipos encuentran su máximo rendimiento cuando pueden fluir entre ellos. Encontraremos todo lo trucos y herramientas para aumentar el desempeño de tu equipo.
Mind Mechanix
Mind Mechanix is about supporting business people in passing Buckminster Fuller's 'Final Exam' and become Human 5.0 ready. We must raise our consciousness significantly and shift from competition to collaboration or we will keep creating more pain and suffering on this planet....
Women's Prosperity Network
This group was created to serve all WPN sisters globally. As long as you are a member in good standing you are welcomed to join this group.
E-Squared Education Enterprises Group
E-Square Education consists of 5 Private Schools, Private Business College, Private Higher Education Institute (Private University) and Global Online Education Platform. This year E-Square Education is celebrating 25 years of Excellent Education on the old town square of...
Business Strategy Community
Welcome to Business Strategy, The community created to connect Entrepreneurs, Owners, Start-ups, Investors and people at all stages of their business journey.Everything we do, we do because we believe passionately that when people connect with each other, this ignites growth...
How To Get Stuff Done
This is a circle to support tired, frustrated or overwhelmed entrepreneurs who want to become more productive and prosperous. There are so many things to do when you run your own business, it's hard to know where to start. This circle will offer productivity tips and tricks to...
Cut the Chaos Consult
Unclear what to prioritize in the next 30 days? Looking for how to best leverage your time and energy? Need tools for emotional resilience as a business leader? Grow in flow as a business leader mastering your energy to stay focused, present, with peace of mind no matter...
GW Business Accelerator Private
Welcome! This is a closed circle, for members of the exclusive GW Business Accelerator Programme with Tania Williams. Please use this group to connect, share and learn. I'm excited to see your success stories being shared within the next 3-6 months!
Genius School Campus
Join this circle if you want to be part of the Education Movement that ignites the Genius in every child! Many willing and able adults want their child's education to transform, but don't have the tools or knowledge. We provide the tools and education for parents as well...