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Institute of Wholistic Psychonomy
The Institute of Wholistic Psychonomy as the New Psychology of Self-Realisation, provides alternative education, especially for the helping professions, to create profound personal transformation for themselves and others.
el HappyBreath
Breathing is the only thing you do that you don’t have to think about.
Imagine what you could do with the power of breath if you knew the secrets of those who are in control of their breath. That includes the top athletes, the best musicians, and the most successful...
Extra Mile Consultants
Are you ready to go the extra mile and unlock your team's full potential?
Welcome to Extra Mile Consultants, your ultimate destination for transformative coaching and training. We specialize in empowering leaders and their teams to achieve remarkable success by harnessing the...
Dare To Heal
We help thought leaders and career professionals overcome burnout, chronic stress, conquer trauma, live in control and rebalance their lives so they can enjoy friction-free relationships and pursue their passions authentically, without guilt.
Devine Holistic Health
help thought leaders and career professionals overcome burnout, conquer trauma, live in control and rebalance their lives so they can enjoy frictio help thought leaders and career professionals overcome burnout, conquer trauma, live in control and rebalance their lives so...
Prosperity Vision
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pin International
International Property Networking Meetings around the Global
pin - Property Investors Network the largest UK network is expanding Internationally.
As well as learning from other people that attend our meetings you can also keep up-to-date with the property market –...
Recent statistics show that over 70% of employees reported being unhappy at work? Resulting in revenue loss, staff turnover and business downturns! Now consider what impact this is making on your business? It may shock you to really know!
This is a global crisis and TEMA is...
Career Dynamics
The Career Dynamics circle is a community where people with careers discuss and share. If you are in the personal flow section of the Wealth Spectrum, and your ambition is to have a successful career being employed, not becoming an entrepreneur, this circle is for you.
LONDON (UK) Leadership
A monthly meeting group in Central London to help support, develop and grow members on