Welcome to the Assessments Portal Microdegree for Flow Consultants (FCs), Performance Consultants (PCs), Genius Educators (GEs) and Token Wholesale Partners. 

Your Assessments Portal is where you’re able to track all your tokens and token reports for your clients.

(5 reviews)
Michelle Nolting
Michelle Nolting
Greece, South A...


Microdegree Outcomes

As part of your licensing fees, FCs, PCs and GEs receive a number of recurring tokens each month, which will be added into your Assessment Portal.

  • FCs, PCs, GEs and Token Wholesale partners are able to purchase tokens in batches of 5 at wholesale prices and then resell tokens as standalone products.
  • Uncertified FCs, PCs, and GEs - coaches, trainers, mentors, and consultants who have paid a licensing fee or received the training/tokens as a bonus, but have not completed the training—are allowed to sell and give away tokens, but are not qualified to provide debriefs. They are, however, allowed to bundle these assessments with their own coaching, training, and consulting products. 

Certified FCs, PCs, and GEs - coaches, trainers, mentors, and consultants who pay a licensing fee or received the training/tokens as a bonus and have completed the training—are allowed to sell or give away tokens and are qualified to provide debriefs as either a standalone product or bundled as part of their existing product offering.

At the end of this Microdegree you will be able to use the Assessments Portal to grow your Consultant or Reseller Business by:

Your Microdegree Mentor
Michelle Nolting
Michelle Nolting Mentor


Degree Steps