This FREE Microdegree is aimed mainly at young adults that might be feeling anxiety, sadness or depression but are now ready to learn to have more resilience and self-acceptance.

In this self study course, you have access to training and hypnotherapy audios that will help your subconscious mind choose better, more empowering beliefs and words to help you increase confidence, minimize anxiety, increase self efficacy and learn to trust in your abilities.


Microdegree Outcomes

In this Microdegree you will get tools to make powerful mindset shifts, pre-recorded valuable hypnotherapy audios to help you subconscious mind use better, more positive and helpful sentences to allow you to feel good about yourself!

You will get an insight into how you actually have a great deal of power to change the way you think and feel and you will come away feeling more able to face and handle the events happening in your life head on.

Your Microdegree Mentor
Helga Jensdottir
Helga Jensdottir Mentor

Helga Jensdóttir is a clinical hypnotherapist and transformational coach working with people who are ready to take charge and shift the way they think and feel so that they can step into being the best version of themselves.

Helga is a former air traffic controller who suffered from depression and anxiety herself for more than 20 years of her life. She is passionate about teaching young adults to figure out where the root cause to their low self esteem and feelings on inadequacy stem from. So that she can, with the use of her many tools in her toolbox, help them overcome those feelings and install self efficacy, resilience and self acceptance. 

That will help the young people step up and share what is important to them so they can have their voices heard and contribute in this world by sharing their unique perspective to make the world a better place.

Degree Steps

Changing your thoughts
The audios
You are enough
You trust in yourself
Confidence and skills