This microdegree aims to help GEM members maximise the benefits of their mentorship with Roger Hamilton. 


Through a structured curriculum, a monthly mini-mastermind with Duncan Stanley, and peer-to-peer support from those who've been where you are, this microdegree is your first stop on your personalised path to wealth in 2020.  No matter where you are on the Wealth Dynamics spectrum, the stage of your business, or your level of marketing skill, this step-by-step program will give you clarity on the best way forward for the year ahead.

(90 reviews)
Duncan Stanley
Duncan Stanley
Ho Chi Minh, Ho...


191 Students
Microdegree Outcomes
Your Microdegree Mentor
Duncan Stanley
Duncan Stanley Mentor

Duncan Stanley is your Community Manager for Genius Enntrepreneur Mastermind, and you can find him globe-trotting and connecting with community everywhere he goes. A shiny Star profile, Duncan shines the most when he's shining a light on others - using his his superpowers to build and empower the GeniusU community to grow their businesses. 


Before joining GeniusU, Duncan was the founder and head of BrumYumYum (and other ventures beforehand) focused at bringing community around delicious food and epic events in Birmingham, UK.