What happens when you affirm the vision of your ideal client every day for 21 days with love and gratitude as if it's already been manifested? According to the Law of Attraction, you have no choice but to attract your ideal clients into you reality.


In the 21-Day Client Attraction Experiment, we put that law to the test. 


The way the Law of Attraction works is that your thoughts become your feelings, your feelings determine your vibration, and your vibration determines what you attract. So…if you’re spending too much time worried, uncertain, angry and stressed, you’ll attract people and situations that play on your worries, uncertainty, anger and stress.

If, on the other hand, you’re going to consistently focus on thoughts that make you feel better, you’ll attract better experiences... like the clients of your dreams!

Over the 21 days, I'll help you raise your vibration so you have no choice but to attract abundance into your life! Are you ready to join?


WEEK 1: On day 1, we'll do a group Zoom call where we cover the steps of turning your worst experiences with clients - or the negative impact of having NO clients - into a positive, new story about your future clients. We'll then check in daily for days 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 via WhatsApp for progress and inspiration and additional tasks to keep your vibration going.


WEEK 2: We start the week with our second Zoom call. By day 8, you'd already have started to notice positive changes in your day-to-day experiences with potential clients. At the start of the week, we revisit your new story and I help you dream even bigger than you'd imagined in week 1! We then continue to reaffirm your bigger vision daily via WhatsApp with additional tasks, inspiration, and motivation. 


WEEK 3: In your final week, we implement the necessary steps to integrate your new story into the bigger vision of your business. As you continue to reaffirm your ideal clients daily via WhatsApp for the remainder of the week, we begin to put the structures in place to receive your new clients.

(15 reviews)
Allison Wentworth Ross
Allison Wentworth Ross
South Africa


Microdegree Outcomes

What happens when you affirm the vision of your ideal client every day for 21 days with love and gratitude as if it's already been manifested? According to the Law of Attraction, you have no choice but to attract your ideal clients into you reality.


In the 21-Day Client Attraction Experiment, we put that law to the test. 


The way the Law of Attraction works is that your thoughts become your feelings, your feelings determine your vibration, and your vibration determines what you attract. So…if you’re spending too much time worried, uncertain, angry and stressed, you’ll attract people and situations that play on your worries, uncertainty, anger and stress.

If, on the other hand, you’re going to consistently focus on thoughts that make you feel better, you’ll attract better experiences... like the clients of your dreams!

Over the 21 days, I'll help you raise your vibration so you have no choice, but to attract abundance into your life! Are you ready to join?


WEEK 1: On day 1, we'll do a group Zoom call where we cover the steps of turning your worst negative experiences with clients into a positive, new story about your future clients. We'll then check in daily for days 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 via WhatsApp for progress and inspiration and additional tasks to keep your vibration going.


WEEK 2: We start the week with our second Zoom call. By day 8, you'd already have started to notice positive changes in your day-to-day experiences with potential clients. At the start of the week, we revisit your new story and I help you dream even bigger than you'd imagined in week 1! We then continue to reaffirm your bigger vision daily via WhatsApp with additional tasks, inspiration, and motivation. 


WEEK 3: In your final week, we implement the necessary steps to integrate your new story into the bigger vision of your business. As you continue to reaffirm your ideal clients daily via WhatsApp for the remainder of the week, we begin to put the structures in place to receive your new clients.

Your Microdegree Mentor
Allison Wentworth Ross
Allison Wentworth Ross Mentor

Alison Ross is a writer, editor, and marketer with a knack for turning complex thoughts into simple words. With more than twenty years' experience working with small businesses, she brings her expertise in entrepreneurship to GeniusU.


As a Creator with a strong Steel component, she'll help you organise your overall business vision into smaller digestable chunks that translate into a crystal clear plan of action for the next steps in your marketing journey. With five-star reviews from some of the GeniusU members, you can be sure that she'll inspire you to bigger dreams than you could possibly have imagined.

Purchase -- USD 180.00

Degree Steps