Setting Direction with Passion & Purpose
Find Your Flow & Become Neutrally Buoyant

Louise Mosley

NB Coaching

Find Your Flow & Become Neutrally Buoyant

Sales, Mentoring

Setting Direction with Passion & Purpose





Setting Direction with Passion & Purpose


“When you are faced with a choice, an opportunity, or a decision, chose in favour of your passions” – Janet Attwood.


Did you know that according to a recent Gallup study, 85% of the working population is not engaged, not passionate about the work they do

That’s 2.55 billion people who aren’t fulfilled and happy at work.

Even those who have taken the step to change their career or set up their own business can also feel they aren’t fulfilling their purpose and need some support to gain clarity and direction.


Have you reviewed your Personal Ikigai?

Ikigai is found at the intersection where your passions and talents converge with the things that the world needs and is wiling to pay for.

If you think about the 4 areas of the Ikigai as wheels on a shopping trolley, if they aren’t in balance, no matter how hard you push they just don’t want to go where you want them to!

Likewise, in life & business, if you don’t have balance, no matter how hard you work your progress can be slow & frustrating.

Maybe you’ve recently reviewed your Ikigai as part of a GeniusU microschool or course. 

How did you score?

In particular, what were your scores for the aspects of Passion or Purpose?

If you would like to increase your score in these areas, then Setting Direction with Passion & Purpose would be perfect for you

Based on the powerful Passion Test process created by Janet & Chris Attwood, we will explore what is really important to you & create a plan which will put you on track to achieve your ideal life.


How we’ll work together:

3 x 1 hour zoom sessions

Session 1- Setting Intentions

Using the passion test formula - Intention Attention No Tension we will explore what you love and care about the most.

When you are doing the things that connect you to what you love and care about, you feel energised, inspired. Your life feels meaningful and purposeful

Session 2 - Creating Clarity

Our second session focuses on gaining absolute clarity on what you want from your life & business

Session 3 - Your Action Plan

It’s great to know what you really want but we need to put together a meaningful plan which will you on the path to achieve this, or something better!


Who will benefit from the session?

  • Business owners who feel that they are moving further and further away from why they went into business in the first place.


What Others Have Said About Me



Buy one give one

As a passionate scuba diver and leader of the Life Below Water Purpose circle I want my business to give something back to causes I believe in.


A giving impact will be made on your behalf to support the Track and Study Saltwater Crocodiles programme

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