What is the key difference between somebody who will successfully write and publish a book after a book easily and somebody who never will publish anything, even though they might have the big desire to do so, even start writing and use all the "right" writing and marketing strategies, even hire a writing coach etc.?

I believe that one thing without which every creative process becomes a struggle is THEIR ASSUMED IDENTITY.

If a person honestly believes they are a writer (or at least somebody, who can write and publish a book) before they start a book or at least start believing that in the process, they will write and publish it and the process will be fun and easy for them (or hard if they believe that hard work is the only way to create something of value).

If not, the first book will never get published or even started.

Successful published authors never talk about this, because, in most cases, they automatically believed they are writers long before they started writing their first book. :)

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