Childhood Domestic Violence is when a person grows up living in a home with domestic violence. The impact can be profound and last throughout adulthood. 

This is a significant root cause of several negative mental, emotional, behavioral, social, conditions with dire physical effects. 

  • Often missed as the awareness about is < 15% at this time. 
  • 1 in 7  Americans are affected. 
  • UNICEF data indicates - 
  • They are 6x more likely to commit suicide, 
  • 50% more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol and 
  • 74% more likely to commit a violent crime.  
  • According to UNICEF, growing up with domestic violence is “the single best predictor of children becoming either perpetrators or victims of domestic violence later in life.” 
  • It gets passed down across the generations

The Childhood Domestic Violence Association seeks to do just that – 

1) build universal awareness of CDV as a pervasive social issue that has a dire and lasting impact, and 

2) deploy groundbreaking scalable tools, with few barriers, to help as many impacted by CDV as possible. 

Please check more details on I am on the board of the Georgia Chapter of CDV - first national chapter of this wonderful organization with a massive goal. Please join me. I do not have the statistics on each country but together we can support these children and adults thus eliminate this culprit eroding the human society for ages!

Varada Divgi, MD

01 404 786 3487

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