Entrepreneur TV

Episode 11: Experience

From Auckland, New Zealand

“Experience” comes from Latin, ‘experiri’ which means to “try”

“I test, put to the test.
I try, attempt, prove.
I find out.
I experience.
I do.”

One of the most important things as you scale your business, Experience.

What is the content you can give for free and then to ensure there is an opportunity for people to have an awesome experience with your business.

People may come for the content but they will stay for the Connection.


How are you creating different experiences for each of your different customer avatars?

There is the experience they have online as well as in person.

Challenge your own thinking:

What is the experience your having within your business?

Are you setting your business up with such purpose, passion & mission where you would show up even if it was for Free ?

Even in the hard times are you going to keep showing up because you love what you do ?

How are you turning what your doing into an experience - where people would love to show up ?

experience (n.)
late 14c., "observation as the source of knowledge; actual observation; an event which has affected one," from Old French esperience "experiment, proof, experience" (13c.), from Latin experientia "a trial, proof, experiment; knowledge gained by repeated trials," from experientem (nominative experiens) "experienced, enterprising, active, industrious," present participle of experiri "to try, test," from ex- "out of" (see ex-) + peritus "experienced, tested," from PIE *per-yo-, suffixed form of root *per- (3) "to try, risk." 

Meaning "state of having done something and gotten handy at it" is from late 15c.

experience (v.)
1530s, "to test, try, learn by practical trial or proof;" see experience (n.). Sense of "feel, undergo" first recorded 1580s. 

Related: Experienced; experiences; experiencing.

~ https://www.etymonline.com/word/experience

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