12 years ago Tamami Ushiki had quit her job as head of a company branch, and wanted to bring entrepreneurship and Wealth Dynamics to Japan. Today, Tamami is the number 1 global partner of Wealth Dynamics, and the go-to person in Japan for events.
How did Tamami set up a system that made her the worlds biggest user of Wealth Dynamics and grew one of the most successful entrepreneur event companies in Japan?
In 2006, Tamami traveled to Singapore to attend a seminar by J Abrams, organised by a network which had been founded by Roger James Hamilton. After the seminar there was a party for the network members, and Tamami got invited along.
“I was impressed by the network members at the party, many of them were talking about social entrepreneurship and how they could give back to the world.
These people were authors and entrepreneurs, and one person said they were a ‘country manager’ that brought Rogers events to their country. So I asked if there were any country managers in Japan and I found out there weren’t!
I was torn between keeping my old job and becoming a country manager for Rogers network in Japan - the country manager job seemed like a second chance at success.”
Tamami applied for the country manager role, and became a country manager of Japan with Masami Sato, who today is the founder of B1G1. Together, they went to Bali for Country Leader conferences to grow their network in Japan
"I wanted to keep working with Wealth Dynamics as it grew and transitioned into Entrepreneurs Institute , since as a country, Japan has a national profile of accumulators. We have a lot of Steel and Tempo Genius people, and they always feel a lot of responsibility, but aren’t always confident.
I knew Wealth Dynamics would help the people in Japan, and build relationships and partnerships with other countries.
I started doing the Wealth Dynamics practitioner course, with Andy Greenfield who created the content for a course in Japan. Based on the manual we used I started building a certification program.
Once I created the system to train Wealth Dynamics practitioners in Japan, Andy trained other trainers to also train practitioners. Now, those trainers train practitioners of their own, and the network just keeps growing - all I had to do was create the system.
I didn’t know what my passion was before, but I’ve always been spreading educational content in Japan, and looking for more great content to bring to Japan. After Wealth Dynamics, I found out Education is my purpose."
Tamami now has 5 companies, with more she’s building.
"I’m so passionate about education - and there are more and more people excited about the programs we’re bringing to Japan and each of our companies can leverage each other. We have educational bundles where people go to multiple of our events, and we now have a huge team of Blaze Geniuses promoting us. Through partnering with Entrepreneurs Institute, we could leverage their trainings to train people in Japan to run their own workshops and events, and the network grew itself. Today, we have more than 1,000 Wealth Dynamics Practitioners in Japan.”
Tamami’s network is now 70,000 people strong, and she has been the number 1 Wealth Dynamics Test affiliate for 10 years.
How could you be creating systems and partnering with those that already have the best products in their industry to radically scale your business?
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