Humans have lived in communities or tribes for thousands of years. There were obvious benefits to living together in groups such as sharing warmth and food, and strength in numbers against predators and other hostile humans.

We still live in communities today but times have changed. With the internet, the community we belong to may be location based or online (or both). The Metaverse will enable us to be part of completely virtual communities.

This is already happening.

It is said that we are the sum of the 5 people we hang out with. This means that the community or communities we belong to can significantly influence how we live, how we feel and our general outlook on life.

So it makes sense that if we want to change the way we live, how we feel and become more optimistic about the future, one way is to become part of a different community that is in more alignment with our desires and aspirations.

But what if you are not the only one in your community who feels the same way as you do? Is leaving your tribe or community the only option?

It takes courage to leave the social safety of the group, but Is the grass always greener on the other side?

It’s clear from talking to our EE podcast guests that there is no one size fits all when it comes to finding the ‘right’ community.

Some have left their country in order to find their true home in another land, others are creating ecosystems which provide both economic and emotional support to their communities.

Either way they are choosing to lead their communities and raise the vibration for everyone in a joyful and empowered way.

πŸ’œ What can you do to bring more joy to your community? πŸ’œ


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