How do you know when you’re living in a pivotal time?

I’d suggest it is when someone comes along who changes how we think.

They have the resources to make change, but their resources are not tied to the powerful elite.

They stand on the shoulders of those great thinkers before them, but have taken what they’ve learned and turned it into something completely different.

The work they do raises humanity up in standard of living and clarity of thought.

They have a following that would lay down their lives for them.

They are hated by others.

Choosing to be in one camp puts you on the side of the future, the other leaves you behind. As an investor it is key to know who that person is and what they are doing.

There are many today who may fit the description.

Let me know in the comments below...

❓ Do you believe this to be a pivotal time, and do you agree that it is marked by an individual or group of individuals?

❓ If so, who would you think is that person in this place and time?

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⚡️ I am Susan.
⚡️Empowering women to make their own financial decisions for maximum confidence and peace of mind.

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