One of the underlying shifts in the world today is a shift from centralized structures to decentralized.
We go through these shifts in generational cycles. Usually, shifting from decentralized to centralized is rather smooth. Centralization provides conveniences – others take on some of our responsibilities and we embrace that because it makes life easier.
Unfortunately, over time, the slow migration of responsibility depletes our freedoms as well. In exchange for convenience, we give others authority to make decisions, rules, and regulations that eventually control us.
Rarely do we recognize it, until it is too late for a mild correction. The cycle back from centralization to decentralization is generally chaotic. Those who have accumulated the power are not willing to give it up.
We don't need to look any further than the Omnibus Bill being pushed through Congress over the holidays. 4000 pages supplied to the representatives today at midnight is expected to be digested and voted on before the end of the week to allow them all to go home for the holidays. That in itself should make you suspicious. We are a democracy, we have representative,s utilize them well by supporting a "no" vote until they have time to review it properly. If they don't vote "no", then you might want to reconsider their value to you as a representative.
Those who continue to enjoy the ease that is associated with not being responsible for decisions, fight to keep things the same or maybe, just do nothing at all. This concept is captured well in the 1946 post-war confessional poem by Martin Niemolle (1892-1984) shown in the graphic.
Transitions are social, and feed the economic structures as technology enhances the way we transition through the decentralized to centralized to decentralized cycle.
Social shifts create cracks in the structures and open up new opportunities. In the past transition, many 3rd world countries were lifted up to the next level.
What are the opportunities now?
For those who see and act on the opportunities, there is a chance to change your lifestyle significantly.
Where are you seeing change from centralized to decentralized and what are your thoughts about this change?
Have you seen opportunities that can change your life?
Perhaps, Elon Musk's Twitter is giving you the opportunity to become engaged in the decision-making of the country. Is this an opportunity for you?
What have you done with those opportunities, if anything?
Share your thoughts in the thread.

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