Are you Open-minded?

In a time when trust has been eroded, and people have been lured into choosing to take an extreme side to every question, from health to society to their beliefs, there is no question that we are in a time of great disruption and change.

By recognizing these changes and disruptions, we grow in our own understanding of the world and people around us.

 It is through this we find opportunities.

We find ways to invest our time, effort and money to have an influence on the direction of the world.

It is not enough to choose a side.

We should be open to new ideas.

We should investigate, question and consider what these ideas are, and why they have arisen at this point in time and space.

We should question what is happening, and by listening to all sides of the argument, understand why.

Hold our biases at bay.

Not allow our lazy brains to just accept what we’ve always held to be true, just because.

Are the very foundational questions being asked today giving rise to a knee jerk response, or are you taking the time to really study what they mean and why they have come up?

When we consider what is happening in the world - in technology - in society - in our communities, it opens us to new opportunities that we can engage in, even invest in.

Business, investing and society do not work in vacuums, they reflect and respond to each other.  

To see the opportunities and invest well, we need to understand our collective selves, how we're changing and where we're going.

Take a moment to stop and reflect on these questions...
       1. Where are you doing your learning?

       2. How open are you to new ways of thinking?

Then give me a response in the comments below. 

⚡️ I am Susan.
⚡️Empowering women to make their own financial decisions for maximum confidence and peace of mind.


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